Moreover, the Law Commission is a Fascist organization engaged in the
oppression of men. If you search the Law Commission’s website for
“women”, you get 19 results. If you search the Law Commission’s
website for “men”, you only get 5 results. Therefore any anti-Feminist
submission amounts to participating in a farce;
The most important health issue which abortion involves is the health
of the unborn child, since it is murdered with extreme cruelty by the
abortion process;
Since Feminists are hypocrites, they see nothing wrong with promoting
the rights of animals, while perpetrating genocide on unborn children;
One of the arguments that Feminists put forward in support of abortion
is that unborn children are not persons. If that results in abortion being
morally permissible, then cruelty towards animals must be even more permissible
than abortion, because it can be argued that unborn children are people,
although that is a totally impossible argument in the case of animals;
One of the arguments that Feminists put forward in support of abortion
is that the unborn child is inside the woman’s body and that therefore
that woman has the right to choose what happens to it. However, there
is no general principle in law or morality, whereby you are allowed to
kill anything that is inside your body or your property. If someone happened
to place part of their body inside my mouth, that would not give me the
right to bite it off. Likewise, if someone trespassed onto my property,
that would not give me the right to kill them;
Moreover, the argument that the unborn child is inside the woman’s
body and that therefore that woman has the right to choose what happens
to it is a sexist argument. Women’s procreative apparatus has the
general shape of a container; something that contains things. However,
men’s procreative apparatus has the general shape of a penetrater;
something that penetrates things. It is therefore sexist of Feminists
to give special rights to containers, as compared to penetraters;
I therefore submit that male-on-female rape should be treated as a
health issue, since the male has the right to possess whatever female
his penis is inside of;
Therefore the Government should decriminalise male-on-female rape.