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Dyked Out in New Zealand

© Peter Zohrab 2014

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The Anzac Day poppy sold to raise funds for the Returned Servicemen's Association Welfare Fund
The Anzac Day poppy sold to raise funds for the Returned Servicemen's Association Welfare Fund
The vehicle which provides free breast cancer screening for women
The vehicle which provides free breast cancer screening for women


While New Zealand women get free breast cancer screening, Television New Zealand commemorates all the New Zealand men killed in World War I without mentioning the word "men."  It does that every year.  On April 20th 2014, The programme Q+A talked about World War I without mentioning the word "men", but man-hating Europe Correspondent, Jessica Mutch, complained from Turkey that at Gallipoli the only women participants were a bugler and a drummer!

On the same programme, sexist Maori Party co-leader, Tariana Turia, complained that the Police stopped Maoris in cars (by implication, more than they stop other races).  Apparently the only time she had been stopped was when she was with her husband -- I bet he was the one who was driving!  In other words, it is actually MEN who get stopped by the police, and Tariana Turia did not cite any statistics to show that Maoris are stopped more than other races.  Let us assume that Maoris are indeed stopped more than other races -- but it is still men of all races who are stopped more than women are.  I bet White men are stopped more often than Maori women are!

Similarly, Television New Zealand never mentions the fact that so-called "champions" who are women are actually only "women's champions".  They never compete in open competitions against men -- except in sports such as horse-jumping, where it is the horse who does the actual work!  Similarly, TVNZ never uses the word "chairman", because Feminists prefer the word "chairperson", but TVNZ does use the words "gunman" and "manhunt", because they have negative implications for men, not for women!  Television New Zealand is working hard to make Man-Hating new Zealand's national religion.

The National War Memorial in Wellington does not have a statue of a soldier -- it has a statue of a civilian woman and two children.  Obviously, the message is that the real victims of war are not the men who are killed but the women who survive and steal their jobs and assets.  Equally obviously, it should not be a crime to kill a Feminist, because the real victims would be the men who were left behind!




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

4 August 2015
