Home > Issues > Activism > Marc Lépine > Media Censorship of the Montreal Massacre

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fighting feminist lies


Media Censorship of the Montreal Massacre (Marc Lepine)

© Peter Zohrab 2002

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One day a female colleague brought to work a book on mass murderers and mentioned Marc Lepine. I read the part of the book that dealt (briefly) with him, and then did some research into him. The result was the following article (in French and English versions):

Media Censors Extremist Protest Against Media Censorship

There was a Feminist reply to it published on a website (in French):
Des hommes veulent réhabiliter Marc Lépine.

I have replied to it in French and English:
Marc Lepine wanted to rehabilitate men
Marc Lépine voulait réhabiliter les hommes.




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

28 July 2015
