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Racist Demonstrators Drown Out White Speaker and Listen to Brown Speaker

Peter Zohrab 2018

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As can be seen from this webpage: "Protesters shout down Don Brash as he tries to speak at Auckland University free speech debate", Fascist, Anti-Free Speech student demonstrators from Auckland University prevented a White male from speaking but allowed a Brown male to speak, and listened to him (although he was saying practically the same things).

The White Speaker was Don Brash, former Leader of the National and Act parties, and the Brown Speaker was Elliot Ikilei, the Deputy-Leader of the New Conservative Party (See: https://www.newconservative.org.nz/elliot-ikilei-free-speech ).

Most of the demonstrators were female, because the Fascist, female-run education system has practically banned male students from universities.


See also:




Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

14 February 2023
