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Moronic Women at Oxford University

Peter Zohrab 2018

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It is hard to know which is the more appalling:*

  1. The fact that, according to the Daily Telegraph, "Oxford University exam times were increased in a bid to improve the low scores of women" in maths and computer science;


  2. The fact that the "Undergraduate Representative of Oxford Women in Computer Science" allegedly made this remarkably stupid statement:

    "I am uneasy about schemes to favour one gender over another. But I am happy when people see gaps between groups of people who should not reasonably have such gaps - such as between genders, races or class - and take that as a starting point to think about the kinds of people they unintentionally are leaving behind."


She starts off with a feeling! She feels uneasy! How typical of a woman to have a feeling instead of a thought! For example, she could have had the thought that it was discriminatory and a breach of the rights of one gender (males) for another gender (females) to be favoured vis-a-vis them! But she does not have that thought. Then she has another feeling: she feels happy!

The basis for her happiness is the main problem with what she says. Why is she happy? She is happy because (some) people agree with her by believing that there are groups of people who should not reasonably have gaps between their examination results. Two questions occur to me at this point:

  1. What does she mean by "should"? Is this a moral issue to her? Is it morally unacceptable for one gender, race or class to get better examination results than another? That is probably what she actually feels in her confused, female brain, but I am sure she did not mean to make that ridiculous claim out loud, for everyone to hear and read! She probably meant to say that all genders, races and classes are equally capable at maths and computer science. That is an empirical claim and she should have provided evidence for it. It seems clear that the lower classes must be less academic than the higher classes, if there is sufficient social mobility for academically able people to earn higher incomes than others, allowing them to join, or remain in, the higher classes. There is vigorous debate about race and intelligence and men and women arguably only appear to have more-or-less equal average IQs because the selection of items to include in IQ tests is not a transparent process and there have been at least some cases where items have been excluded because women did worse at them than men;

  2. And what does she mean by "reasonably"? You can't decide this question simply by reasoning about it -- unless, of course, you subscribe to some ideology which stipulates it as axiomatic that there cannot be such gaps between particular groups! This, as I have already said, is an empirical matter. It has to be decided by examining the relevant evidence!


I have already written that "Cambridge University is a Women's Kindergarten," and now it seems that Oxford is just as bad! However, I am not just picking on the United Kingdom, as you can see from my article on an aspect of US academia: "Feminist Jurisprudence Proves that a Woman's Place is in the Home". The presence of Feminists, or of women, or of both, seems to have dumbed down education systems in more than one country. It is vital to investigate this problem and to see what can be done to solve it!


* These two facts almost make me glad that:
  1. I once applied to study at UK universities (from abroad) too late to sit the special Oxford-Cambridge entrance examination, so I studied elsewhere in the UK; and that;
  2. I (some years later) decided not to take up an offer of a postgraduate place at Oxford which I had applied for.

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


See also:





Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

10 November 2019
