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Abolish the Families Commission and the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse!

(slightly edited)

© Peter Zohrab 2014

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Open Letter to the Minister of Social Development

Dear Paula Bennett,

The Families Commission and the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse

The Families Commission should be abolished, because of its support for the so-called "New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse" and for the White Ribbon Campaign.

The White Ribbon Campaign is clearly discriminatory and anti-male, but I would like to concentrate here on the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, because it is fraudulent and deceptive.

On its "About Us" page the NZFVC states that its "Vision" is to "provide accessible, comprehensive and up-to-date information on family and whanau violence." It also states that it operates "under a contract funded by the Families Commission." It lists a total of 22 staff or advisory personnel, and all but two are female.

The NZFVC does in fact provide comprehensive information on family violence through its searchable database. However, that library/database also serves as a front to give the NZFVC the appearance of being an authority on family violence. If you look at its so-called "Family Violence and Gender Fact Sheet", you will see that it downplays the evidence from ideologically inconvenient studies which are on its own database (see listing below), and concentrates on attacking men in a sexist manner.

In its section headed "Differences in violence by men and woman", the fraudulently entitled "Factsheet" (which is actually a propaganda sheet) states that "Research has repeatedly demonstrated that once attention to the issues of context, meaning, motivation, and consequences of violence are included it becomes clear that there is not a gender symmetry in partner violence -- it is men's violence against women and children that is the most significant social problem." The words "context, meaning, motivation, and consequences" are categories which enable Feminist researchers to ignore the objective studies and inject vast amounts of bias and subjectivity into the issue. They interview women only, treat them as victims, and report the women's one-sided interpretation of every incident as the only valid interpretation. This is in blatant disregard for the principle of Natural Justice "Audi alteram partem" (hear the other side). Feminist researchers only interview men who are prepared to (or have been brainwashed into) consider(ing) themselves purely and simply as perpetrators. Thus the Feminist research design presupposes female victimhood and male perpetratorhood from the outset.

This section of the so-called "Factsheet" then provides 16 bullet-points in support of the above assertion. Refuting all 16 of these would make this a very lengthy letter, and would necessitate my getting hold of copies of every Feminist diatribe that they refer to, so I will concentrate here on five of them, because they demonstrate the low intellectual level at which the NZFVC operates.

  1. They say that the Police arrest more men than women for family violence. This is their very first bullet-point. In fact, the Police never arrest unless there has been a complaint (or the Police have witnessed an offence themselves), but there have never been any advertisements that specifically urge men to report female domestic violence, although there have been many that specifically urged women to report male domestic violence -- by making all violence look as if it was committed by men on women. Men quite rightly feel that the Police may not take them seriously if they report female violence. Another point is that the Police do not at present specifically collect statistics on the offence of "domestic violence", because there is no such offence.

  2. Four of the first nine bullet-points refer to women's feelings, rather than to objective facts. They say, in effect, that male violence is more "significant" than female violence because women have the psychological defect of feeling fearful more often than men do. Either women are equal citizens with men or they are not. Men are not slaves who have to ensure that women have particular feelings. In fact, the Domestic Violence Act 1995 does make men the slaves of women, because section 13 says that the judge must have regard to "the effect of that behaviour on the applicant or a child of the applicant's family, or both", when considering an application for an ex parte protection order (see dvpobora.html). There is biological research evidence that women's brains do in fact operate in a more emotional manner than men's brains do, but that is not men's fault. The article: Hall, Geoffrey B.C., Wittelson, Sandra F., Szechtman, Henry and Nahmias, Claude, Sex differences in functional activation patterns revealed by increased emotion processing demands, Neuroreport 15 2004, 219-223: states that:

" Recognition of emotion in cross-modal stimuli produced sex differences with men showing greater unilateral left frontal activation and women showing greater limbic activity.... These findings suggest that men tend to modulate their reaction to stimuli, and engage in analysis and association, whereas women tend to draw more on primary emotional reference."

Men have tougher lives than women and have to look after themselves -- they can't just scream and have some man come running to their rescue, the way that women can. Men automatically take the woman's side when she is in a dispute with a man, whereas modern Western women are so Lesbian that they also automatically take the woman's side!


Studies Ignored or Downplayed by the NZFVC's so-called "Family Violence and Gender Fact Sheet"


The Families Commission, which I would call the Female Family Violence Promotion Commission, should be abolished.




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

10 July 2015
