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Abuse of Power and Intrusion into Privacy by New Zealand Broadcasters and by the New Zealand Parliament

Peter Zohrab 2018

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(Open Letter to the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and to the Inter-Parliamentary Union)

Dear sirs and Mesdames,


I am writing to request:-

  1. An enquiry by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union into abuse of power and intrusion into my privacy by the New Zealand broadcasters, Television New Zealand, Media Works and Radio New Zealand;

  2. An enquiry by the Inter-Parliamentary Union into abuse of power and intrusion into my privacy by the New Zealand Parliament;

  3. As a result of those enquiries, the expulsion of Television New Zealand, Media Works and Radio New Zealand* from all and any international broadcasting organisations; and

  4. As a result of those enquiries, the expulsion of the New Zealand Parliament from the Inter-Parliamentary Union.


In the New Zealand context, at least, I am an unusual person, in terms of my my political activities, geographical and linguistic experience and knowledge, my education and my abilities. In a country where the media (what President Trump calls the "Fake News") and the education system have been more or less captured by Feminism, I have been a Men's Rights Activist since 1987. The media and education system constantly pump out Feminist propaganda and systematically discriminate against opposing views, groups and individuals, such as myself. This totalitarian information-environment ensures that the New Zealand Parliament is also composed of politicians who are largely unable or unwilling to contemplate anything other than a Feminist approach to issues. Both right-wing and left-wing politicians are aware that the media are generally left-wing ("liberal", in US English), but right-wing politicians are afraid of the media, since they are their main way of communicating with the electorate. Despite this background, when I once stated at a Parliamentary commitee hearing that Feminism was New Zealand's state ideology, senior National Party MP, Gerry Brownlee, blurted out, "Bullshit!" -- and then apologised. I am afraid that all he was apologising for was his bad language and that he STILL might not realise that Feminism is New Zealand's state ideology!

Given this background, it is not surprising that I have often criticised the media and politicians in widely-distributed articles on the internet, which routinely went to MPs and journalists, amongst others. In fact, the last time I appeared before a Parliamentary committee, there was an incredibly nervous shuffling of feet and amendment of posture by the assembled MPs, who were obviously terrified of me! This gives me no pleasure. My aim is not to terrify MPs! If the totalitarian Feminist (i.e.Feminazi) media gave me a democratic opportunity to put forward views that they themselves hate, views like mine would have Freedom of Expression in the mainstream media, I would not have to be so forceful in my writings and MPs would be less afraid to take them seriously.

Invasion of Privacy

When I was working as a teacher for The Correspondence School in Wellington, New Zealand, I was at times part of a carpool, which included both teachers and non-teaching staff at that school. One of the non-teachers was John Rodger, manager of the postal section. One of his colleagues (though not in the carpool) was Frank Edwards, who managed the audio department and appeared in television commercials -- most recently as an old man in a drink-driving public service commercial. One day, after leaving the carpool, I was practising speaking English with a French accent, while driving alone to work (in my early childhood, I was French-English bilingual). That day at work, the Senior Teacher of French, Frank Romanovsky (a friend of Frank Edwards, I believe), said to me something like, "The best French accent in the country," whereas he almost never spoke to me, since I did not teach French at that school. It seems clear that someone, known to Frank Romanovsky, had placed a recording device in my car when they were in it as part of a carpool. John Rodger, given his personality and contacts, was the most likely person to have placed the device there and he is likely to have obtained the device from Frank Edwards, given his expertise in things audio and his friendship with Frank Romanovsky.

Frank Edwards is the link to television (various channels), which appears to have been bugging and filming me for many years without my permission -- apparently since the time when Paul Henry and Pippa Wetzel were hosting the Breakfast show (2007-2010). If this happens repeatedly, the person who is the subject of this surveillance (me) develops a subjective certainty that it is happening, even though there is no way of proving it. I have interacted with the television at times and have appeared to have induced reactions in the presenters. Although I cannot be sure of this, I think that presenters tend to face a bank of monitors, one of which may have live-streamed me and there may be an ability for presenters to zoom into particular monitors that interest them personally. If this has been happening, I cannot be sure what technology has been used and I cannot afford to get this investigated in order to acquire evidence that it has been happening. These people may well have been acquiring footage of me which they can use after my death to create hostile and defamatory documentaries to blacken my name.

I think that the media gave Parliament the idea to do the same, so that MPs in live-streamed parliamentary sessions would know when I was listening to them.


I appeal to the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and to the Inter-Parliamentary Union to carry out an investigation into this matter.

* I should have included Prime Television, but I forgot to.

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

13 January 2018
