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Lower Hutt Public Enemy #1

© Peter Zohrab 2003

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This woman is Lower Hutt Public Enemy No. 1 !

In 2003, The Hutt News published a supplement called "Life in Wainuiomata, Eastbourne, Petone, Moera, Alicetown & Western Hills", in which it allowed the Police to publish the advertisement (right) which includes anti-male political propaganda and stereotypes, such as:

  • Many men use children to regain control over the relationship when it ends;

  • Family violence often stems from a belief that women and children are the property of men;

  • Boys model their behaviour on that of their violent fathers;

  • It is often what is happening to the children that motivates a women (sic) to seek help;

  • Girls can be withdrawn and fearful.

Virtually the whole Fathers' Movement has been about women using children against their fathers -- and here we have the Feminazi Police, using taxpayer money, spreading man-hating stereotypes ! Women have much more control over their children than men do -- especially when the parents are separated.

It is not the business of some ethnocentric Police Man-Hater to tell people what the correct cultural relationship between men, women and children in families ought to be. Police Femidyke interference will definitely cause family violence if they brainwash women in minority cultures into thinking, as they do, that men are just disposible d1ld0s with no rights in the home or over the children.

Notice the sentence in the advertisement which states:

  • It is not necessarily physical violence but can be controlling isolating behaviour of one person over another person.

Even if you don't know about the research showing that women hit men just as often as men hit women (see http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm), you will agree that women are at least as capable of "controlling isolating behaviour" as men are !

This advertisement just talks of men as perpetrators and just talks of females as victims. What chance has a man got of getting this sort of scum-police to deal with his violent partner ? What credibility have police statistics on Domestic Violence arrests got, when they are obviously only looking to arrest men ?

Constable Kim Dankl must be sacked and prosecuted for Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice !


See also:





Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

25 October 2021
